Never drove over 200, feeling a little lost. If I don't limit my speed to around 120 on the highway, should I drive in the leftmost lane? What about driving with large trucks ?

4 Answers

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Generally, if you don't know what to do, just watch what other cars on the road do and follow them.

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Germany's cars are a little different from those at home. At 160 km/hour, the engine speed is only 3000 rpm, while for domestic cars it is 2800 rpm at 90 km/hour.

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Do not drive in the left lane, as it is the passing lane and should not be occupied for long periods. If there are three lanes, drive in the middle lane and use the left lane for passing. After passing, return to the right lane. If there are only two lanes and there are many large vehicles, drive according to the actual situation.

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Drive on the extreme right.