How many places did the sunken city tour stop? Which is the most fun ?

4 Answers

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We went there and arrived at around 1:30 in the afternoon. We chartered a boat for 650 Turkish Lira for 7 people, which was quite a bargain. The scenery on the sea was beautiful, and we could go out on deck and enjoy the breeze. We went to 5 places, but I can't remember them all. The last stop was to climb a castle on land, and we could also swim and dive in the sea. The captain suggested swimming and diving, but since we had swum in the morning, we didn't swim in the afternoon. However, the water was particularly clear, and we could see the underground city clearly, which was worth a look. The scenery was beautiful.

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There are several options for going out to sea, such as 9 or 10 o'clock departure for a one-day island-hopping tour, and a minimum of 1.5 hours for a chartered boat. There are also half-day options. I'm not very clear about kayaking. The main route is to circle the entire island and ancient city ruins.

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What about Cash? The sunken city. I'll take you there. The commentary is in dialect and I don't understand it either.

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Where is the sunken city?