Planning to go to Highway 1 in July, what should I do? Why is Zhao Xiaolan so slow in repairing a small bridge ?

7 Answers

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We are also planning to travel along Highway 1 in July. Can we travel together?

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I will leave Shanghai for San Francisco on July 6 and start driving south along Highway 1 on July 9, stopping for two days along the way. Then I will go to Las Vegas via Los Angeles and return to Los Angeles. I will be back in Shanghai on July 20. Are there any friends who are traveling together?

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We're also going to drive the Pacific Coast Highway in July.

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Hello! We can communicate with each other and help each other on the road!

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It's said that it will take a year to repair. The speed of the US is too slow. It will be fixed in three months in China.

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I will start from San Francisco around July 8th and take Highway 1.

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The biggest problem is not that it is slow, but that the construction time has not been determined yet. Americans are very meticulous, so this time, the crack in the bridge was caused by heavy rain and landslides. Therefore, according to their way of thinking, they must first wait for the rainy season in California to pass, then assess the local geology and topography, then select a location, then come up with a plan, then demolish the old and broken bridge, and then build a new one. It is extremely likely that this will take a year.