Excuse me, is the exit customs at Canadian airports self-service, without anyone asking questions or needing to declare ?

3 Answers

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There are self-service machines.

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Before exiting the customs, enter your information and image at an automated machine. Then queue up to exit. Generally, before exiting customs, someone will ask you first. If it is appropriate, you can directly leave. If it is not appropriate, you still need to continue queuing and wait to be inquired by a small window.

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I went through the customs at Vancouver Airport on May 13. There were many self-service machines in the hall on the plane. After answering a few simple questions, taking a photo, and passing, a slip was printed out. You just need to queue up with the slip, and someone will smile and ask you what you are doing in Canada. I said I was sightseeing, and I was let go. It's very simple! These photos were taken on the upper floor on June 11 when I returned home.