Hello everyone, what should I pay attention to when driving in Montenegro ?

3 Answers

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There are many bends, try not to drive at night. The speed limit is already quite lenient, do not easily exceed the speed limit. Police will issue fines, be aware that oncoming vehicles will flash their lights to signal the presence of police.

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There are many police officers in Montenegro. They often hide in places where it is easy to exceed the speed limit, so drive at the speed limit as much as possible. Montenegrin drivers are very helpful. Be aware of cars flashing their lights at you from the opposite lane. That means there is a police officer ahead of you a few kilometers away. Of course, you can also flash your lights after passing the opposite car to remind them. After all, we should help each other.

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Eastern Sea

There are many bends in Heishan. Some cities, such as Wuzec, are mountain towns, with very large ups and downs and sharp bends. Be careful when driving.