Can I drive in Norway with Google Maps all the way ?
6 Answers

Sure, thank you.

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Sure, but sometimes it's quite frustrating when entering tunnels with no network. Note: There are some tunnels in Norway with several junctions.

I basically use Google map all the way, sometimes it's inaccurate, but the time is very short and can be recovered soon. It's best to download the map offline first, so you can still navigate without the Internet. I found that Explore navigation still needs to go online, maybe I didn't understand it clearly, but in any case, Google map still helped a lot.

It is suggested that you use car navigation if available, because there are many tunnels in Norway and there is no GPS signal in the tunnels. Phone navigation will completely fail. But car navigation can be used, for some reason.

This has happened to me before where I had 2 maps open and they would sometimes route me to different destinations.