How long does it take to drive from Jasper Park to Calgary via Banff ?

5 Answers

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Google even calculates the time to enjoy the scenery?

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But why does Google Maps show only 200 kilometers, but it takes 7 hours to travel from Jasper town to Banff National Park?

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Bear from the North

It depends on how fast you drive. They are all expressways: distance/vehicle speed = time. It takes about 4.5 hours to get to Banff Town; it takes more than 1 hour to get from Banff to Calgary Airport or downtown. Because it is close to Calgary, there will be traffic jams. If you are in a hurry for the plane, you should budget more time.

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Most of the maps are outdated, the roads are still relatively smooth, so it shouldn't take too long. There have been landslides and other incidents in the area recently.

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There are many scenic spots on the road that need to be stopped to see, and the mountain road will naturally slow down the speed.