피자와 홀리스터리가 ZTL이 있나요 ?

4 Answers

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Florence has ZTLs, but Pisa I don't know. You can use the navigation app to mark the places you want to go, or use Google navigation to see if there are ZTLs. If there are, it will show that you need to pay a toll to enter. Anyway, just say no to whatever they say. I picked up the car in Venice and they kept trying to sell me stuff. First they tried to sell me insurance, but I already had it so I said no. Then they tried to upgrade my car, saying my luggage compartment is big, but my wife and I are the only two people in the car. What's the point of upgrading? Finally, they tried to sell me a case of gasoline, even though I didn't need a full tank. But they didn't force me to buy anything, I just said no. Overall, as long as you pay attention to ZTLs, everything else is fine. The traffic rules are similar to those in China. I went to Iceland, Venice, Florence, and Rome, but not Milan. I went to Iceland first at the end of September and then went to Italy. In Europe, you just have to be careful. You need to yield to pedestrians, and there are a lot of roundabouts, so you need to be careful which exit to take.

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The ZTL in Florence will scare you to death.

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Pizza has ztl

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Florence is more difficult to drive in, as it has a ZTL.