I'm going to Melbourne and the Great Ocean Road next week. According to the weather forecast, the highest temperature will be 12-13 degrees. Can you tell me how you felt in terms of temperature when you were there recently, and what you wore during the day and at night? Thank you ?

3 Answers

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I don't think thin down jackets are enough. Mainly because it's coastal and the wind is particularly strong, and it rains at any time. I went in late August and caught a cold on the third day. I only brought a thin down jacket, and it was really cold. You must bring thick clothes. The small train was also blowing until you had no friends.

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If you often exercise, a T-shirt and a thin down jacket will be enough. If you are afraid of cold, one sweater will be enough. It's not as exaggerated as they say. I was in Melbourne in July and August, and I was not frozen, but it was necessary to bring a large shawl to the beach.

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The Great Ocean Road is still recommended to bring thin down jackets. Thick down jackets are more reliable. Short-sleeved T-shirts are enough inside.