Are there many supermarkets on the way? Supermarkets at gas stations ?

2 Answers

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Most supermarkets in small towns or cities have very early closing times and late opening times. We bought a lot of snacks to eat on the road, and usually had lunch in a restaurant or on the road. We cooked dinner ourselves. We could buy some bread and ham slices to make sandwiches.

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There are supermarkets in every town, but it's recommended to stock up more in Reykjavik, after all, it's cheaper. You can buy some bread, jam, ham, etc. In addition, I brought a cup that can boil water with a car lighter at the time, and I recommend you to prepare one as well. A meal that is not expensive costs more than 200 RMB per person and can be full, while an expensive meal costs more than 1000 RMB for three people.