Excuse me, do you need to apply for a membership card to shop at supermarkets in New Zealand? How should I do it ?

5 Answers

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No need for cash or card, you can just countdown is more popular and pak n save is cheaper.

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We cook almost every day. New World supermarkets are common. There is no need to pay for a membership card. We usually have fresh cherries and strawberries every day. Yogurt, milk, steaks, and lamb chops are really great.

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Can do, after the purchase can enjoy member price. Some things in the supermarket look like special prices, but only members can enjoy them. If you don't have a membership card, you will buy at the original price. The supermarket can be obtained for free at the checkout counter, and then you need to register online by yourself. After registration, you can use it immediately.

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It's okay, not many people have done it before. If you really need it, just ask someone around you for help.

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"You don't need a membership card to buy things, why do you have to get one? Don't worry about it."