Thank you, will the customs check if there are cigarettes in packs? I will be staying for 20 days, so I probably need to bring at least one pack of cigarettes. Can I get away with it ?

5 Answers

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Unpack, put the luggage down. Never been checked with cigarettes.

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The Australian Customs Office has issued a statement, saying that from July 1, 2019, all tobacco products, including cigarettes, loose tobacco, and molasses cigarettes, will be banned from entry. If you bring cigarettes without declaration, Australian customs will treat it as smuggling and the maximum sentence is 10 years. After the implementation of the new regulations on July 1, 2019, if you enter Australia with a valid visa, you can still carry tobacco not exceeding the tax-free amount. If you are 18 years old or older, the tax-free allowance for tobacco products is: 1. A box of unopened cigarettes, no more than 25 cigarettes (or equivalent to 25 grams of tobacco products); 2. And a box of opened cigarettes. If you carry more than this amount, you must declare and pay relevant taxes for all the tobacco you carry (not just the excess part).

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It's best to abide by the entry regulations in Australia or declare them truthfully. Don't take chances. They are all very law-abiding. If they are discovered by customs, it will be difficult to deal with.

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This has a bit of a fortune-telling meaning.

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Yesterday we 2 families in total of 6 people entered from Sydney. I brought 10 packages, only declared 6 packages. There was only an oral inquiry, no request to open the box, and we were directly released. My friend brought 2 boxes, declared 14 packages, entered the declaration area, and was not inspected either. However, he was asked to take out the cigarettes by himself, and finally paid 105 AUD in taxes.