Does anyone know if Sixt requires cars to be washed before returning them ?

3 Answers

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Petrol stations can wash cars. It is best to wash the car before returning it. Check if the condition of the car is consistent with the time you washed it. Have it in mind because renting a car uses a credit card. There may also be corresponding deductions after returning to China for violations or other problems. We encountered deductions after renting a car in Australia, but it was not because of violations. The final result was still to pay the money.

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No need, we just repaid it.

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No need to wash the car, there will be some scratches from the gravel, which is normal. When renting a car, make sure to book whether the tank is full when returning the car, and also buy gravel insurance. If only driving on Highway 1, the road conditions are good, we did not buy gravel insurance, drove carefully on the road, there were some minor scratches, and there were no problems when returning the car.