While driving on the expressway, the speed limit sign clearly shows 100, but if you drive at 100 km/h, cars will continuously speed by on the side. What's going on ?

3 Answers

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Don't just look at the speed limit, follow the flow of traffic, neither too fast nor too slow.

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Step on the accelerator according to the speed limit. If there are always cars that exceed, it means you are too slow. It is recommended to follow the car in front and be the third. Arrest the first two cars like a police officer. You yourself should not be the captain.

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There are not many speed testing devices abroad. They are mainly scattered in certain sections, but be careful not to attract the attention of police cars. If the police follow you for a short distance, and you exceed the speed limit, they will sound their sirens to stop you and then follow the procedures. When driving, be careful, as some police officers may be driving in plain clothes. Their cars may not look like police cars, but they can still enforce the law. In short, always remember to stop when the police tell you to, cooperate with the inspection, and always follow the traffic rules. Safety should always come first, especially when driving a rented car. Many people in China are not familiar with driving in foreign countries, and they may drive too fast in turns, which is very dangerous to watch.