May I ask how the traffic regulations are compared to those in China, and what else should I pay attention to ?

5 Answers

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There are many roundabouts, when entering a roundabout, you must let the vehicles inside the roundabout go first, and enter only when the right side is empty. After you enter the roundabout, the vehicles entering from the entrance will give way to you.

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Nothing special, just don't drive into the opposite lane, and the speed limit near the town may be only 60 kilometers.

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We feel that the traffic rules around the Great Ocean Road are simpler than those in China. The main ones are to pay attention to stopping and yielding when you see a STOP sign or when you encounter a roundabout.

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When you first start driving, remember to go clockwise around the roundabout, and keep saying 'give way to the right, give way to the right, give way to the right.' When driving in Australia, pay attention to the right side, and always give way to the right first, otherwise the other vehicles will be very angry. The vehicles on the left will give way to you automatically.

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In addition to the above reminders from fellow drivers, remember to always give way to pedestrians and to always drive at the speed limit when passing through school zones.