Going to Toronto in August, can I use a translated driver's license from my country for Road trip? Do I have to use the translation template provided by the car rental company ?

3 Answers

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If you have an international driver's license, that's also acceptable. If not, the translation provided by domestic car rental companies is also OK. If you don't want to use the template, you can only go to a notary office to notarize the translation of your driver's license, which will incur a cost.

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Some domestic agents require the renter to fill in this paperwork, which has no actual meaning. It is estimated that the agents charge a commission to the rental company. Last year I rented a car in Vancouver. Budget did not require such kind of paperwork. As long as you have a driver's license with an Authority translation, it is okay.

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"International Driver's License, is it useful? Can I use it? May I ask?