A 13-day Road trip in the western United States, a second campaign ha ha ?

14 Answers

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Driving for 13 days must be so much fun, it would be even better with a co-pilot

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The content of the original poster is very brief every day.

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Continue~ D1 San Francisco Union Square - Curved Flower Street - Fisherman's Wharf We arrived at the hotel at three o'clock in the afternoon, and then we started walking on the street, first to Union Square for shopping and dining, and then to Curved Flower Street. San Francisco roads are always very hilly, and it's actually quite tiring to walk. There are no flowers on Curved Flower Street at this season, so we just took a look and continued walking towards the sea. Fisherman's Wharf is a very large area, a concentration of tourists, with food, drinks, entertainment, and shopping. From Fisherman's Wharf, you can clearly see the Golden Gate Bridge. Because it was out of the way the next day, we didn't drive over the Golden Gate Bridge. If someone arranges to go to Berkeley, then you can take the Golden Gate Bridge on the way. From Fisherman's Wharf, we changed lanes and walked back to Union Square, passing by a memorial tower.

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The host's itinerary seems quite leisurely.

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In the morning, we first arrived at the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, and caught the first cable car up the mountain. Tickets start at 9:30, and the cable car departs at 10:00. You will first encounter a toll booth for parking fees, just give him cash and you can enter. There are several types of tickets for the cable car, you can choose just the cable car ticket, or a ticket that includes a meal. The cable car tickets are round-trip, including up and down. There are two restaurants with great views on the mountain, and there is a sign at the ticket office indicating the view of the restaurant today and the temperature on the mountain. Because we arrived early and saw that the temperature on the mountain was low, we went back to the car to put on our down jackets. And the reality is that the restaurant's view is not good, it's foggy, so we don't plan to eat. I only bought two cable car tickets for two people, and the ticket seller will ask you for the zip code, which is the code for the state in the United States. We definitely don't have it, so we answered him that we are from China. The cable car rotates and is quite large, and the mountain is very steep, it is really worth a try. The fog was very heavy that day, and it was snowing on the mountain, but we felt okay with thin down jackets on our upper body and pants on our lower body. Like many parks, you can see many squirrels. There are several hiking trails and themed areas for children to play. It is suitable for families to come here to play, and the children are very excited to see the snow. It should be more fun here in the summer. Compared to other desert-themed parks in Palm Springs, we still prefer it here. Leaving Palm Springs, we headed straight to Phoenix. We planned to watch a game, but there were no games in three days, so we gave up. It was raining all the way, so we were very tired, and it was pitch black when we arrived at the hotel. We took a bath and went to sleep.

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D5 Longpoke-Solwen-Santababala-Pasadena-CaltechToday we still drove on Highway 1 and stopped in Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara is also a resort, we strolled, drank coffee, and rested for a long time before leaving, planning to stay here next time.The reason we went to Pasadena is because we wanted to see Caltech, we like The Big Bang Theory. It's a place where geniuses gather.

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Today we are still driving on the Pacific Highway 1. We originally planned to stay in Solvang, but when we booked the room, we didn't pay attention and ended up in Lompoc. So we checked in at Lompoc first, then drove half an hour to Solvang, walked around, and then returned to the hotel. The Dutch town is very lively and quite beautiful, with its own unique charm in American small towns. Speaking of American small towns, they are all quite boring and mostly the same. We usually go to a supermarket to buy some water and fruit as snacks during the day. Some hotels have guest laundry rooms where you can wash and dry clothes, so we can save up a few days' worth of clothes and then wash and dry them at the hotel. Otherwise, if the weather is too cold and our stay is short, the clothes won't dry. The machines require quarters, so if you don't have any, you can exchange them at the hotel front desk.

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D8 Phoenix-Sedona-PageAfter leaving Phoenix, we went directly to our destination, the Chapel of the Holy Cross. When we entered Sedona, we were unexpectedly shocked by the red mountains and heavy fog, making it look like it's not on Earth... Due to the overcast weather, the photos came out dark and didn't do justice to the actual view. The church at the top of the mountain was not large, but still felt solemn, and the scenery was amazing. The items in the church's gift shop were very beautiful. After leaving the church to find food and explore, we found the town to be quite lovely. After eating and sightseeing, we continued on to Page. There are a few things that are a must-do in Page, with the most important being the world-famous Grand Canyon. However, we had already been there last month, so we didn't go again this time. This trip was for making up for what we missed last time. D9 Page, Horseshoe Bend, Lake Powell, and the DamSince leaving Palm Springs, the weather has been bad, with rain, snow, and fog. The original plan for this day was to visit Lake Powell, including the canyon and the dam, and then go to see Horseshoe Bend. But with the rain and snow, driving was very dangerous, so the plan for Lake Powell and the canyon was canceled. We only saw the dam and Horseshoe Bend. We used Google to locate the visitor center, and you need to cross a bridge, with the dam on one side and the visitor center on the other. When we went, the dam was closed to traffic and people. We took some photos at the visitor center and on the bridge. Using Google to locate Horseshoe Bend, we arrived directly at the parking lot, which was quite small. Then it was a ten-minute walk to Horseshoe Bend. When we arrived, it was snowing, but it still left us in awe.

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D6 Pasadena-Palm Springs Today we didn't choose the highway, and as we drove, we entered the desert...suddenly felt like we were back in Xinjiang. We first went to the outlets and stayed there until evening. We've been to quite a few American outlets, and Palm Springs has the lowest discounts, followed by Seattle. Overall, the west is cheaper than the east. This time we only visited two outlets in Palm Springs and completed 90% of our shopping, and then supplemented the rest in Las Vegas. In the evening, we walked on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars, drove around, and then rested.

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OP, I also got a US visa and plan to travel like you. How much is the total cost approximately?

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The sky was so pure blue that day. It was really beautiful.

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Wow, the scenery in Monterey is so beautiful, and the sea is very pretty.

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The original poster took a good shot~

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D10 Peggy to St. George Today I plan to go to Antelope Canyon. Antelope Canyon needs to be entered with a travel agency and cannot be killed by yourself. Due to the large number of tourists, it is recommended to book in advance. In addition, please pay attention to the issue of the US time zone, do not make mistakes. I booked a tour to Antelope Canyon at 11:00 today in advance, the website is http://www.antelopecanyon.com/upper_antelope.html, the booking fee is deducted after the booking, and other expenses are paid to the travel agency on the day of arrival. There are regular sightseeing tours and photography tours, and the cost of photography tours is higher. Generally, the noon time slot is recommended, the sunlight is good, and the photo effect is good. But! We had an accident in the morning, so we stayed at the hotel and did not go to Antelope Canyon, which is a pity. After completing the supplies in the afternoon, we went to St. George. In fact, you can go directly to Las Vegas on that day, but we want to walk a little slower, so we stayed in St. George for one night and went to Las Vegas the next day. D11-13 Las Vegas There are many things to play in Las Vegas. In addition to playing slot machines, bars and buffets should not be missed. I won't mention outlets and various hotels. I recommend a discount store for buying show tickets, tax4tonight, there are many stores on Las Vegas Boulevard, in addition to discounted show tickets, there are also discounted buffet coupons. The website tax4tonight.com can check how much discount the show tickets are today and where the ticket sales point is. The first time I watched a show was bought on the official website of Cirque du Soleil, you can choose a seat, and there is no discount. Some popular shows, even if it's tax4tonight, there is not much discount, but still take a look at the discount situation as a reference. If there are few discounts, it is better to buy from the official website, because you can choose a seat. After buying from the official website, I went to line up to get the tickets. If you buy discounted tickets, you can enter the venue directly. I recommend real shooting in Las Vegas, there are many stores, search for gun on Google Maps. Buy a package and have a great time shooting. There are many other playing projects in Las Vegas, such as desert motorcycles, etc., you can decide based on your preferences. We also spent half a day at CES. CES is not open to the public, you need to register and pay a fee for the company, and then get a card to enter and exit. In short, it's better to be more flexible in Las Vegas, just relax, the more relaxed, the better. Don't restrict yourself with a fixed itinerary. Yellowstone Park, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Seattle, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, I didn't pay attention to recording these places at the time, so I can't write a travelogue at all. But if there are any questions, I am willing to help answer them, on the premise that I know. Travel should have a plan, but not a specific plan. Having omissions and regrets will make you want to go again. The world is big, and our parents have not been able to go through it all. The world is small, and we can go through it more than once.