How to park and pay by card on the side of the street in Melbourne? Do you need to input the information of your vehicle on the charging machine first before parking ?

3 Answers

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Most areas in Melbourne have signs indicating the time. These are free parking spaces for a certain period of time. Some are painted with grids and numbers indicating parking spaces. After parking, enter the parking space number and the amount of time you need. It will spit out a slip. Remember to insert it in the windshield of the car. The police will calculate whether you violate the rules based on the time on the slip.

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TJ Lao Li@SG

Some parking lots in downtown Australia accept cash (no change given) or credit cards. That machine can take coins and credit cards. You need to enter the number of the parking space, not the license plate number, and input the parking time. That's right.

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First buy time, and then stick the receipt on the windshield in front.