Can anyone who has played island-hopping tell me where to store our bags, phones, etc.? Or how should we handle it ?

2 Answers

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But when we were preparing to sign up before, the boss told us that we didn't need to bring anything, as long as we brought a waterproof mobile phone bag. The mobile phone would be left with the boat owner, just like when paragliding, we didn't bring any bags. You have already paid, do you need to consume anything? Some registration fees include drinks, if not, a 50 or 100 lira note is enough, put it in the same bag as the mobile phone. When I went swimming at the beach, I only brought my mobile phone and 50 lira, which I put in a waterproof bag.

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Not as fun as island-hopping in Southeast Asia. It's basically swimming with no beach. It's all rocky. You can't store your phone. Everyone just puts it on the boat.