Is it dangerous to drive up by yourself to observe the stars? Is there another way to go stargazing? If I want to find a tour guide, where is it better to look for it? At the foot of the mountain? In Kona ?

3 Answers

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Mauna Kea Observatories The place to stargaze is the visitor center, which is at an elevation of over 2000 meters and has no vehicle restrictions. Every night at 8 o'clock, a lecturer from the University of Hawaii comes to explain and takes turns letting everyone look through the telescope. The summit is 4205 meters high and requires an additional 8-mile drive from the visitor center. A good four-wheel drive is necessary, usually arriving at the visitor center at 4 o'clock, resting for 40 minutes to acclimatize to the high altitude, and then driving up to the summit to watch the sunset. Around 6:30, the park administrator will call you down because your vehicle lights will affect the work of the山顶天文台, and it will start snowing on the山顶 and the road will be icy at around 8 o'clock, which will make you stranded on the summit. Don't stay in Hilo, although it is close to the place to play, 90% of the time it is raining.

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I only found a group tour to stargazing in Xi'an, but the time is not free. If you are good at driving, just drive by yourself. I have friends who just went there, and it's not that difficult to drive.

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No more. We will drive there by ourselves. If we don't go there, other places are almost the same.