My daughter has a cold and a cough. How should she go to the doctor? Should she go to the hospital or a private clinic ?

7 Answers

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Buy Panadol at the pharmacy and take it for two days. The effect is good.

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In Australia, it's almost impossible to get an appointment at the hospital for a cold or cough. You just have to wait indefinitely and they'll give you two pills.

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Go to the pharmacy, there are doctors there who can prescribe medicine.

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Hurry to the supermarket to buy a bottle of cola and a piece of ginger. Peel and slice the ginger, then boil it with the cola. Let it cool a little and then you can drink it. If it still doesn't work, go to the hospital for a check-up.

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Private clinic... Emergency is for emergency. This one doesn't count as an emergency and you'll have to wait a long time.

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If it's not serious, find a pharmacy with a pharmacist who can sell you some OTC medication to use first. If it doesn't relieve, go to a private clinic. Even in Australia's public hospitals, emergency cases take more than a few hours to wait for. If you have bought insurance, remember to call the insurance company first to ask what information you need to leave when you go to the clinic for treatment so that you can claim for reimbursement when you come back.

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Hospital emergency department