¿Algún amigo del grupo me puede guiar? Estoy alquilando un coche por primera vez y conduciendo por Europa. Supongo que en Croacia y Eslovenia no hay personal en las estaciones de servicio y necesito repostar de forma automática. ¿Cómo funciona el repostaje automático y cómo pagar ?
3 Answers

Generally speaking, you can either directly insert the card at the fuel dispenser or pay with a machine. If you don't understand, you can ask the staff or ask the people refueling beside you. It makes sense to use a chip card for credit cards, and the magnetic stripe is now being charged less and less.

There are self-service payment machines. First, put the banknotes for payment into the machine, then put on a pair of disposable gloves next to it, select the oil number you want to add (the oil cap on the car will be marked), and then you can directly add oil. In fact, there are supermarket staff or other people who add oil at the gas station, and they will all help you.

If you use a credit card, remember to use a chip card.