May I ask friends who have submitted notarization to the Consulate in Chongqing? You always say that as long as the documents are complete, it will be processed very quickly. What documents are considered complete documents? Can the white book be directly notarized at the Consulate ?

5 Answers

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You must have a Schengen visa to apply for it. I just came back and applied for it in Chongqing. You need a passport with a Schengen visa page, your own driver's license, and your household registration and ID card. All of them need the original and copy, and the copy can be black.

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Do you have a related phone number?

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Wealth is the greatest guarantee.

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@LindaBaby I wonder what are the working hours, do I need to make an appointment in advance? Directly go to the embassy? Do I need to translate the content of my driver's license on an A4 paper? Kindly answer these questions, I would be greatly appreciated.

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No one can guarantee. But if the itinerary is well-planned, the flight tickets are booked and the accommodation is booked in full, the possibility of being accepted is very high. The person in charge of receiving the materials will review them at that time.