Can you tell me if Florence has entered the ZTL area? Have you ever bought the ZTL entry ticket for Florence? Or is there any way to make up for it ?

3 Answers

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You can only park in the parking lot inside ZTL within 20 minutes, and they will help you remove it, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

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It is said that the paid parking lot inside can be reached within 15 to 20 minutes. They will help you remove the record.

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Italy has ZTL tickets only in Milan, no tickets in other regions. Unless you find a parking lot within the ZTL within 20 minutes, you can eliminate it. I parked the car at the hotel designated parking lot within the ZTL in Florence, no problem. However, it is not recommended to drive into the ZTL, the road is narrow, only one car wide, which is frustrating to drive, and there are a large number of tourists... If the time is short, it is lucky if the camera does not take a picture. The fine for ZTL is determined by the number of photos taken by the camera, the more photos taken, the higher the fine.