Have any friends rented a car from Ezi in Auckland? How was it ?

2 Answers

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Rented last week, still okay, the car is in good condition, 2018 Corolla, just hard to communicate, the service staff speaks very fast, and there is also an Indian uncle, it's a bit difficult for me, an average English speaker.

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Just rented at the beginning of the month, feeling very good, my car is a brand new SUV, out of the store only a few hundred kilometers, and when ordering, you can also book the inter-island ferry together, the same price as the ferry official website I picked up the car at Auckland University and returned it to Christchurch Airport, bought the highest level of comprehensive insurance, 13 days, the total price was less than 2290, of which about 400 was the ferry fee for four people and one car. In the past few days, I drove 2500 kilometers and refueled four times, which is less than six cents per kilometer in RMB, and diesel cars are really economical.