Can you use credit cards to refuel in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, and Kosovo? Can my magnetic stripe card be used there ?
7 Answers
Magstripe cards are not impossible, but they are not as good as chip cards. I just got a chip card before I left.
Mine is also a magnetic stripe card, no problem. Paid for gas with credit cards throughout Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
It can be used, and there is a charging counter for swiping cards after refueling.
Sure, but it's best to use Global Wallet as there's no currency conversion fee.
My friend just came back from there, and it's completely fine. Most of the time, they swipe cards manually for fueling, and there are very few self-service fueling stations. You can rest assured that it's completely usable.
Attention: Don't go to small gas stations, they only accept cash.