Signed an accident claim form when returning the car rented in Toronto, without any additional charge for the repair fee. The pre-authorization of 200 CAD has also been cancelled. Is this matter settled? Or will the car rental company send an invoice later ?

2 Answers

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What kind of insurance did you buy? Do you have zero deductible? The deduction will be directly deducted from your card.

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I had a minor accident when a third party backed into my rental car in Toronto. When I returned the car, I also signed a form to confirm the damaged parts of the car, and when I confirmed with the staff whether I needed to pay, they said that since we had insurance, everything would be handled by the insurance and I didn't need to pay extra. As of now, there has been no deduction. I returned the car on October 6th, but it seems that the pre-authorization has not been cancelled.