I have booked a car from Hertz. What insurance does this booking cover? Do I need to purchase extra insurance ?
3 Answers
When renting a car abroad, be sure to inquire about the coverage limits for all insurance policies from the rental company. This way, in the event of a third-party accident, the renter's losses can be minimized.
The general rental price only includes basic insurance. If there is an accident and the car needs repairs or is stolen, the renter still has to bear a portion of the cost (deductible), and the rental company is responsible for compensation beyond this amount. Different rental companies will set different amounts for this cost based on the vehicle model. Of course, you can also purchase full insurance, which allows for full deductible in case of an accident, but the price will be much higher.
Swiss car rental must buy rescue service insurance, otherwise no one will rescue in case of accident. Other insurances can be skipped.