Excuse me, how much money do I need to pay tax when I return to China? How much do I need to pay tax when I buy things in a duty-free shop? It's my first time going abroad, and my friend asked me to buy something for them. I would like to ask everyone for advice ?

4 Answers

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Cosmetics are not checked very often by the domestic customs, compared with luxury goods such as watches and jewelry, cosmetics are all within the normal range of single items, and they are considered for personal use.

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On the basis of maintaining the tax-free limit of 5000 RMB for residents and tourists to bring in self-use items from abroad, they are allowed to increase the tax-free shopping limit at the port of entry, with the total tax-free shopping limit not exceeding 8000 RMB, including the overseas tax-free shopping limit.

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I spent more than 3000 yuan on skincare and nutritional products, but nothing happened.

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5,000 RMB per person