The visa requirements are: original + copy. Does that mean making another black and white copy? Is the original color print ?

3 Answers

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I got my visa in Shanghai and Iceland is handled by Denmark, so just print the insurance policy in black and white.

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Denmark is all black and white now. I don't know about Iceland, but when I went to the counter to apply for a visa, I heard that Iceland's was the same as Denmark's. Ah? I bought sunshine insurance, and each person only has one page of insurance policy.

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We just signed up, as long as the color printout is popular. Allianz Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. bought on the flagship store on Taobao, and he has a special Schengen visa insurance. It's done in three days. I signed in Shanghai, Iceland does not have its own visa office, which is handled together by the Danish visa office. Hotel orders need to be printed out, multiple people traveling, one copy is enough. Also, the itinerary should be written as detailed as possible, with dates, destinations, attractions, hotels, and means of transportation all filled in. I am a native of Shanghai, I don't know which provinces can handle it.