Is it necessary to go to the bank with a passport to apply for a debit card in the United States? Are the procedures complicated ?

4 Answers

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The bank will give you a temporary card first, and your card will be sent to your address a week later.

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Use a passport and a domestic bank card, and also provide a US address. Now banks don't give out temporary cards anymore, it will take 5 to 7 working days to send to the address you provide, and the address can't be left at a hotel or office, it can only be left at a residential address. There are two types of cards to open in the US, one is a checking account, and the other is a saving account. Most people open the first one.

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Need US address, everything in the US is mailed. In general, US debit cards charge fees for deposits less than $15,000 per month, so there's no need to do anything.

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Specifically ask the bank, different banks have different requirements