What is the closest place to stay if you want to visit Monument Valley and Arches National Park after going to Horseshoe Bend? Is it in the direction of Salt Lake City ?

3 Answers

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I have seen a lot of people's strategies for staying in Moab, and I am also planning to stay there in August.

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It should be just use Google Maps to check the shortest route.

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Not towards Salt Lake City, but to the west. Go to Page for Horseshoe Bend, and stay at the scenic area for Monument Valley. Stay in Moab for Arches National Park. From Horseshoe Bend to Arches, you will pass through Monument Valley, so it is recommended to go and see it, and it is best to stay at the scenic area. Its hotel location is very good, and you can see sunrises and sunsets on the balcony. There are also stars. It's very worthwhile. The hotel facilities are also very good.