Has anyone tried changing their passport and have valid Canadian visa in the old passport, and then enter Canada with both the new and old passports? It should be tried personally ?

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There is already someone in the group who has entered in this way. My daughter is also in this situation. We have inquired by email with the consulate and the reply is that they can enter with the new passport and the valid visa on the old passport.

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Eastern Sea

Me! My original old passport expires on September 17th of this year, so the last Canadian visa was valid until September 16th of this year. And I changed my passport last year, and I especially asked the visa section of the Canadian Consulate General, and they replied: three ways, 1. I can go to Canada this time because the visa is still valid. As long as the visa is intact, I can go to Canada with the new and old passports as long as I leave before September 16th; 2. apply to the Consulate General to transfer the visa to the new passport; 3. apply for a new visa. They suggested me to apply for a new visa. I have already submitted the application.