Do you know if it's possible to drive in Japan ?

3 Answers

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Mainland driver's license can be used to apply for a Hong Kong driver's license, but a Hong Kong identity card is required to exchange for an international driver's license, which mainland friends cannot obtain.

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Japan can drive by themselves, but only accept international driving licenses under the Shengan Convention or the Japanese translation of Taiwan licenses.

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In front of the Tientsin city lǎo li has answered most of the, I will add. If you really want to drive in Japan, you can apply for a Hong Kong driving license with your mainland driving license first, and then apply for an IDP with the Hong Kong driving license. Taobao has a proxy service. However, according to friends who often go to Japan, it is not necessary to drive in Japan at all, and the public transportation is very convenient. Of course, except for the corners and corners.