Can I go to New Zealand during the Spring Festival next year? What's the general price of air tickets during the Spring Festival? I don't have a long holiday, so I plan to fly directly to Christchurch for 11 days. In addition, is there no seven-seater motorhome? The maximum is six people ?

3 Answers

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You can pay attention to the return flights from Auckland to multiple cities across China during Sichuan Airlines Membership Day for 2600.

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At present, the only direct flight to Christchurch should be the one from Guangzhou to Christchurch by China Southern Airlines. The round-trip ticket from Shanghai to Guangzhou to Christchurch via a connecting flight was more than 14,000 yuan during the Spring Festival this year. It was purchased a month in advance for reference.

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We went during the Spring Festival. Round trip from Guangzhou to Auckland was 4100 yuan, with a layover in Kuala Lumpur. We bought the tickets six months in advance. The cheapest ticket on Air New Zealand from Auckland to Christchurch was 700 yuan per person, and the most expensive was 1050 yuan per person. We bought the tickets three months in advance. There were six of us, and we rented two cars. All the flights and hotels did not cancel or change during the pandemic.