Hi guys, I have a question about refund. If my route is Germany - Austria - Czech, do I need to refund my purchases in Czech airport for the things I bought in Germany and Austria ?

7 Answers

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It's best to decide based on the time of your trip. I got my refund directly when I bought something in Vienna last year. I put the tax refund form in the mailbox of the refund company at the airport in Prague more than 10 days after I returned from Prague, and then I received the refund amount deducted from my credit card after I came back. After asking, it was said that the refund form had not been received within 50 days.

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Please pay attention to the customs declaration and tax refund policies of the country you are going to. If you are leaving the EU country through the last airport, please make sure to declare and pay taxes for the purchased goods according to the regulations.

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No, VAT refunds can only be claimed at the airport of exit of the last EU country you visited.

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Me too. Prague airport clearly put the mailbox but said it didn't receive it.

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Nowadays, in many shopping places like The Mall in Italy, you can get a cash refund directly after shopping. As long as you get the stamp from customs when you leave the country, you can refund as much as possible on the spot. If you don't have enough time to leave the airport at the last stop, you may not be able to get a refund.

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It's best to get the refund as soon as possible when you buy something. I have encountered situations where I had tax refund forms from several countries at the end of my trip, but when I arrived at the airport, I found out that I had to queue up at several different places to get all the refunds. The airport is always crowded, so I almost missed my flight. Even though I got some refunds at Pudong Airport when I returned, there were still a few forms that I didn't get. Therefore, I suggest getting the refund as soon as you can when you buy something, and don't worry about which place is the most suitable for refund.