How do you configure the phone in New Zealand? Is it Wi-Fi plus domestic phone roaming? Or buy a New Zealand phone card and share the hotspot? Or Wi-Fi plus a New Zealand phone card? I don't mind carrying a few more phones, but I don't know how to combine them ?

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I bought a Vodafone SIM card with 3G data, 200 minutes of international calls and 200 text messages. We used it for 12 days and it was enough for two people. There was no signal in the mountains, so renting more Wi-Fi data was useless because we couldn't use it.

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There is a Vodafone counter right after you exit Auckland Airport. You can buy a card, insert it and use it. If you like to surf the Internet, buy the 3G package. When the traffic is used up, you can recharge and buy more traffic. It is recommended to buy Vodafone's. I don't recommend 2degree or Spark. You don't need to, you will see the Vodafone counter after you pick up your luggage at the airport. The signal is very poor or no signal in many places in the South Island. I landed in Auckland at about 6 o'clock in the morning, and they were all open. I don't remember if there is one in Christchurch, but there must be one in Auckland when I went there in November. I just came back from there in November.

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New Zealand phone card sharing hotspot