You need to show the goods when you claim a refund, but your luggage has already been checked in when you get your boarding pass. How can you claim a refund? Especially for skincare products that must always be checked in. Are you going to queue up to get your boarding pass, then queue up to claim a refund, and then queue up to check in again ?

3 Answers

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Refund for returned goods! There is a counter for handling tax refunds for checked items at the check-in counter. You can consult the ground staff.

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All airlines except TK have dedicated counters at P check-in, and it seems that TK has one at K (I can't remember). If you have hand luggage, go through the customs first, and then there is a customs window to stamp on the right. Go to the refund window to handle the refund, but their speed is really super slow.

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To get a refund, you should first get your customs validation. If you buy things in your checked luggage, please check in first and get your boarding pass and luggage tag. Take your luggage tag and go to K23/K24 (Turkish Airlines) or P23/P24 (all other airlines). Please check your luggage and customs validate it on the tax-free form. Your luggage will be sent directly from these counters. After passport check, enter the hall and take the tax-free form with customs confirmation to the refund counter (Global Blue Refund Office) to get your refund. If you buy things in your carry-on luggage, after completing the check-in, go through the passport check. After passport check, go to the right customs and go through the procedures. Let the customs officer check your luggage and get customs confirmation. Take the tax-free form with customs stamp to the refund counter (Global Blue Refund Office) to get your refund. If you have already bought things in the mall and want to complete your tax declaration process without paying any fines, please go through the passport check after completing the check-in. Go to the right customs and let the customs officer stamp the refund voucher. Get customs confirmation and leave the refund voucher with Global Blue Refund Office. Otherwise, you will be fined twice and the amount will be deducted from your credit card. This is a detailed guide to getting a refund at Turkish airports. I hope it can help you.