What kind of insurance is better to buy when renting a car in the United States ?

2 Answers

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The first time abroad, unfamiliar with renting a car abroad, even less familiar with the insurance there.

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Bring all documents, buy full insurance!!!! Buy full insurance!!!! Buy full insurance!!!! This time there were two incidents, the first time, accidentally used the wrong diesel gun, AVIS company sent a rescue car, pulled another car of the same type, and directly exchanged the car for us. We thought we had to wait for the workers to come and change the oil and wash the engine. From the notification of the rescue to the arrival of the rescue car, it took two hours. The customer service said two hours on the phone, very punctual; the second time, on the way to Las Vegas, went to the gas station to use the restroom, and found that the door lock of the driver's cab had been pried off and stuck in the door handle. It needed to be entered from another door to help open the driver's cab. If it had been two minutes later, the car and all the luggage would have been gone, and it was scary afterwards. All the losses, because I bought full insurance before, I don't need to worry about anything. You should know that if you pay for the rescue car or the car lock yourself, it is much more expensive than full insurance. And then, don't let older people handle the car rental business for you.