Harbin - Mudanjiang Jingpo Lake Natural Exploration 3-Day Tour

2 cities | 8 attraction(s) | total distance 149 km
Jingpo Lake in Mudanjiang is a national 5A scenic spot. This easy travel route will take you to experience the charm of Harbin's Oriental Moscow, and then go to Mudanjiang to experience Jingpo Lake from multiple perspectives such as the underground forest in the volcano crater and Jingpo Gorge. If planned properly, it can cover the ten major highlights of Jingpo Lake (Diaoshuilou Waterfall, Baili Changhu Lake, Maogong Mountain, underground forest in the fourth volcano crater, Huzhou City, Xinglong Temple, Luliss World, Jingpo Gorge, ancient ice cave, and Ziling Lake).

Day1: Harbin

5 attraction(s) · 11 km
Visit the charming "Oriental Moscow" of Harbin on the first day. In the morning, take a bus to the Harbin Hundred Fashion Building and get off at the Saint Sophia Cathedral to see the grandeur of this iconic building in Harbin, and step inside to experience the spectacular onion-shaped Russian architecture. Afterwards, walk to the century-old European-style architecture on Central Avenue to see the European-style buildings and taste the local cuisine of Harbin. For lunch, find a Russian restaurant that you like on Central Avenue and enjoy a Russian-style feast. At the northern end of Central Avenue, you can see the Flood Control Memorial Tower, which is located on the banks of the Songhua River. If it is the ice-bound season, you can see people walking or skating on the river, and you can join in or stroll in Stalin Park on the riverside. When night falls, go to Harbin Ice and Snow World to experience the colorful world of ice lanterns and snow sculptures. Take a sleeper train to Mudanjiang around 2 o'clock in the morning on the second day, which is less than 5 hours away.
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Day2: Mudanjiang

1 attraction(s) · 0 km
Take a direct bus from the train station to Jingbo Lake, which takes about 2 hours. Arrive before noon and take a ride to the Underground Forest to see the No. 3 and No. 4 mountain kang, the Hanging Sheep Wall, and the Well-Viewing Sky. In the afternoon, enjoy the climax of the entire scenic area: the lake shore group stands steeply and the cliffs are towering; the mountains around the lake are overlapping and the forests are vast; the lake is as calm as a mirror, with mountains and waters. During the trip, you can enjoy unique lake and mountain views, such as Crocodile Island, Maogong Mountain, Heart Island, Rainbow Bridge, the Leader's Tower, Baoyue Bay, the Medicine Master Temple, and the Baishi Lazhu. The Suspended Water Tower Waterfall and the Black Dragon Pool are also exceptionally impressive.

Day3: Mudanjiang

2 attraction(s) · 139 km
In the morning, continue to visit the top 10 attractions of Jingpo Lake, including the Waterfall of Hanging Tower, Hundred-Mile Long Lake, Maogong Mountain, the Fourth Volcano of the Underground Forest, Huzhou City, Xinglong Temple, Lulit World, Jingpo Gorge, Ancient Ice Cave, and Ziling Lake. See where you missed yesterday and continue exploring. After the tour, take a car back to Mudanjiang City. If there is enough time, you can visit the Jiangbin Park in the city to see the scenery on both sides of the Mudan River. Here, there is also a group of Eight Female Soldiers Memorial Sculptures, telling the story of the heroic resistance against the Japanese Army’s Xiongguai Brigade. In the afternoon, take a train back to Harbin to end the trip.