Recommendations for a three-day self-driving tour in Southern Anhui Province

3 cities | 5 attraction(s) | total distance 231 km
Here is a place that integrates green mountains, tea plantations in the forest, exotic flowers and trees, and deep pools with strange rocks. Clouds and mist envelop the surroundings, with streams and rivers flowing, resembling a unique landscape of high-quality ink landscape painting, and it is extremely worth seeing and experiencing.

Day1: Wuhu > Huangshan

2 attraction(s) · 131 km
The "Glass Skywalk on the Cliff" at the Ma Renqi Peak is located on the magnificent main peak cliff of the Glass Skywalk Scenic Area. The 200-meter-long walkway is made entirely of transparent glass and stands at a vertical height of 180 meters. It resembles a giant dragon hovering on the cliff, soaring towards the sky.
131 km

Day2: Xuancheng

2 attraction(s) · 100 km
In China, we have discovered the last pristine "heavenly land" of Inkstone Tingxi in the Wannan region in Anhui Xuancheng. It is a place that combines green mountains, clear waters, forest tea gardens, exotic flowers and trees, and deep pools of strange stones. The surrounding scenery is as if it were a rare landscape painting of ink and wash, with flowing streams and rivers, and it has great value for both viewing and experiencing.
100 km

Day3: Xuancheng

1 attraction(s) · 0 km
"Jiangnan Tianlu, Wannan 318" Xiaochuanzang (Taoling Road), the convoy departs from Shuimotinxie, passes through the essence section of Wannan Xiaochuanzang from Suhong Township to Taoling Village, the most quintessential section of which is the 72 hairpin turns with continuous turns over 90 degrees, experiencing speed and passion. Then to Banqiao Village, Fangtang Township, entering the territory of Qinglong Township, Qinglong Bay Ecological Tourist Area integrates mountain scenery, water scenery, and humanistic landscape, with rich ecological resources and forest coverage rate reaching 78%. It is known as "first-class air, first-class water".

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