Hahei & Cathedral Cove, Nature's Majestic Sculptures and Serene Bays

Cathedral Cove
The scenery along the way is even more beautiful


Hahei Beach is located in New Zealand, adjacent to towering Christmas tree forests and floating pink shells. The natural wave barrier formed by the island here allows tourists to swim, boat, and fish in a safe environment. The coastline extending north along the coast and the nearby marine reserve make this a popular spot for diving and kayaking. There are a large number of coral reefs, caves, arches, and soft sediments, making it an ideal environment for various plants, fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. At the south end of Hahei Beach is a site known as Te Pare Historic Reserve, which was once a fortified village of ancient Maori. Walking along the northernmost trail of the beach for an hour, then down the beach, you can reach the beautiful Cathedral Cove. Here, a huge arched stone gate connects two secluded bays, creating a solemn atmosphere for the entire beach. The beach is covered with soft sand and Christmas trees that shading the sun, making it very suitable for picnics and swimming. On Cathedral Cove, there is a giant conical angular rock, called Te Hoho, which has been eroded by sea winds and waves for a long time, looks like the bow of a large ship slowly heading towards the beach.
Cathedral Cove
Opening hours
Throughout the year.