Thousand Columns, A timeless testament to Mayan ingenuity

Group of the Thousand Columns, MEX 180, San Felipe Nuevo, Tinum, Yucatan, 97751, Mexico
There are many, many columns


The Thousand Pillar Square is located next to the Shiva temple in a square shape with each side approximately 150 meters long and over 1,000 pillars distributed on top. Legend has it that these pillars were originally decorated with roofs and carvings, but the specific roof structure is unknown and may have been built with templates or thatched grass. The oldest group of pillars is located in the west side of the square.
Group of the Thousand Columns, MEX 180, San Felipe Nuevo, Tinum, Yucatan, 97751, Mexico
Opening hours
Winter: 8:00-17:30, Other seasons: 8:00-18:00.