The Square of Three Cultures, A Timeless Confluence of Cultures

Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Tlatelolco corner Flores Magón


At the Three Cultures Square, the Aztec culture, Spanish colonial culture, and modern culture intertwine and coexist. The three architectural gems here each have their own characteristics: the Aztec pyramid of Tlatelolco is one of the largest public markets in the valley; the Spanish Temple of San Diego is an important building from the colonial period; and the modern Cultural Center of the university represents today's cultural trends. The history and diversity of these three cultures are perfectly displayed here. The Tlatelolco pyramid includes seven pyramid temples, distributed in a stepped layout, one built on top of the other, which is breathtaking.
Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Tlatelolco corner Flores Magón
Opening hours
Tlatelolco metro station