Inverness Castle, Breathtaking views atop a historic stronghold

Castle Street, Inverness, IV2 3EG
This castle looks particularly new


Urquhart Castle is located on a cliff and has a history of over 800 years. The first castle was built in 1057, but was destroyed in subsequent wars. In the 11th century, the castle was rebuilt as a defensive ground castle. Shakespeare's masterpiece "Macbeth" also mentions the early castle. The Donald family occupied part of the castle in 1429, but was later destroyed by King Robert I of Scotland. The castle was controlled by Ross in 1491. In 1548, the Earl of George Gordon Huntly (1514-1562) restored the castle's construction. During the Civil War in 1649 and 1650, the castle was besieged several times, and the James rebellion in 1715 and 1746 caused great damage to the castle. The current appearance of the castle was built in 1836, constructed of red sandstone and designed by architect William Burn. Today, the castle belongs to the Inverness Sheriff Court and is not open to the public. However, visitors can admire the castle's magnificent exterior in the courtyard and overlook the beautiful view of the entire city.

Must-go rating

Must go


Inconvenient to park
Translation: Others
Castle Street, Inverness, IV2 3EG
Opening hours
All day.
Located in the heart of Inverness City Centre, easy to spot.