Metropolitan Cathedral, A Modern Cathedral of Dazzling Colors

Cathedral House, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5TQ, United Kingdom
A very unique and modern church


This is a very modern and charmingly designed church, shining in a silver glow with a thorny circular building top at the center. Walking inside the church, vibrant colors complement each other. When sunlight shines through the colored glass, the colors will be passionate and varied, including red, blue, green, purple and other colors, complementing the internal metal accessories, presenting a marvelous visual effect.
Cathedral House, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5TQ, United Kingdom
Opening hours
BUS 25/101/173/699 to the east of the church, BUS 6/7/14/14A/14B/61/79/79C/173 to the north of the church, BUS 139 to the south of the church.