Roman Baths, Immerse in the Warmth of History

The Roman Baths, Stall Street, Bath, BA1 1LZ
One of the top destinations for tourism in the UK


Bath is an ancient city located in southwestern England, just 100 miles from London. It is renowned as England's most beautiful city and is a UNESCO World Heritage city. The Roman Baths are Bath's most famous and widely recognized attraction, serving as a popular museum. Legend has it that in the 1st century AD, when Britain was still within the Roman Empire, a prince named Bladud contracted leprosy and was exiled to the countryside to tend to his sheep. He discovered a curious-smelling mud hole where the pigs and other animals would roll, and he began to bathe in its mineral-rich waters. Gradually, the warm springs cured him, and his skin became smooth. When Bladud became king, he ordered the development of the hot springs, constructing Roman-style baths and temples, and people would bathe several times a year. The Roman Baths were built around the hot springs, which gush out at a rate of 1.27 million liters per day from a depth of 3,000 meters below the surface. The temperature averages 46.5 degrees Celsius year-round. In the 18th century, a statue of the goddess Minerva was discovered, reviving the Roman Baths once again. The site contains several pools, a swimming pool, and heated rooms, all surrounded by sculptures and railings. The museum displays precious relics such as the ruins of ancient city walls and Roman period stone carvings and sculptures. Adjacent to the site is a water pump house for use in brewing mineral water tea. By visiting Bath, you can explore the splendor of the ancient Roman era and learn about the history and culture of this city through these landmarks.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going
Not worth it


There is a parking lot
Park by the roadside
Translation: Others
The Roman Baths, Stall Street, Bath, BA1 1LZ
Opening hours
Open all year round except for December 25th and 26th. From November to February of the following year, it is open from 9:30 to 16:30, with exit time at 17:30. From March to June and from September to October, it is open from 9:00 to 17:00, with exit time at 18:00. From July to August, it is open from 9:00 to 21:00, with exit time at 22:00.
If you take a train, it's about a ten-minute walk from the Wenquan Train Station to the Roman Bathhouse Museum. If you take a bus, it's less than a ten-minute walk from the bus station, just refer to the walking map on the official website.