Piazza Maggiore, A bustling hub of culture and festivities

Salone della Podestà, Voltone del Podestà, Malpighi, Bologna, BO, Emilia Romagna, 40100, Italy
The square is the busiest place


Piazza Maggiore is located in the center of the Bologna district and is one of the largest public squares in the area. The square was created in 1200 AD and is rectangular in shape, surrounded by many important medieval buildings, including the Basilica of San Petronio. In addition, the Fontana del Nettuno is also a landmark on the square, located in the northwest corner. The square is the site of many urban festivals and events, such as the Republic Day parade and New Year's Eve fireworks. Every summer, the square hosts various concerts and film screenings, attracting people from both inside and outside the city. There are also many cafes and bars around the square, where visitors can buy a cup of coffee in the afternoon and enjoy the sun while watching street performers. This is one of the most important places that tourists cannot miss.

Must-go rating

Must go


There is a parking lot
Salone della Podestà, Voltone del Podestà, Malpighi, Bologna, BO, Emilia Romagna, 40100, Italy
The square is located at the end of Via Indipendenza. Take bus route 25 and get off at Via Rizzoli to reach it.