Palazzo Pubblico, Immerse in the untouched medieval splendor

Siena, Province of Siena, Italy, Piazza del Campo, Siena City Hall, Postal Code 53100
The grandest building on the sloping square


The most outstanding building on Siena Square is the Town Hall, which is an outstanding example of Gothic architecture. The Museo Civico inside the Town Hall displays many exquisite murals. The Torre del Mangia tower was built in 1297, stands 102 meters high, and towers over the square. The Town Hall was originally the office of the Republic government, and was built at the end of the 13th century. The lower part of the building is made of stone and the upper part is made of brick and stone, with a slightly curved facade and evenly distributed neat eye holes. The central facade of the Town Hall has two Gothic pointed arch triple windows on two levels, and Lombard-style blind arches on both sides and at the top of the second floor. Now the Town Hall is a municipal museum, displaying many paintings and sculptures related to the city's history, including the famous "Good Government, Bad Government" mural series in the museum's Nine Men's Meeting Room.
Siena, Province of Siena, Italy, Piazza del Campo, Siena City Hall, Postal Code 53100