Milan Expo Switzerland Pavilion, [object Object]

9 Conference Centre, Expo Milano 2015 Circular Road, Municipio 8, Milan, Lombardy, 20151, Italy


At the Milan Expo, the Swiss pavilion held a very special event. Instead of showcasing their cuisine, they launched a food ethics challenge to test humanity's response to sustainability and limited resources. The Swiss pavilion had four rooms filled with coffee, apple chips, salt blocks, and water glasses for visitors to freely use. However, outside the pavilion, the remaining quantity of each category was displayed on a wall, and all resources would not be replenished during the Expo period. This reminded people that excessive demand could lead to no resources left for future generations to use. This interesting theme made every visitor deeply feel the scarcity of resources, and the allocation of resources has become a global problem. 800 million people worldwide face hunger, while the same number of people suffer from nutrional excess or poor nutrition. Visitors to the Swiss pavilion were all aware of the significance of this challenge and engaged in thinking. As for future generations, they only have to think. Tickets can be obtained at the bottom counter or booked online for free to avoid wasting time queuing.
9 Conference Centre, Expo Milano 2015 Circular Road, Municipio 8, Milan, Lombardy, 20151, Italy